Project SPICE

AB World Foods


The Brief

How can we effectively communicate the benefits of working with a responsible business?

The Solution

A one-page infographic packed full of facts and figures, that succinctly tells the story of their ESG journey to both retailers and consumers – Project SPICE.

AB World Foods - Project SPICE AB World Foods - Project SPICE


Our Approach

AB World Foods works to be a better business by supporting and empowering people; being mindful of their impact on the planet, and developing their product portfolio responsibly. As part of this, they wanted to find a concise way of telling their ESG story.

Project SPICE has been supporting and empowering the spice farmers in Rajasthan, India, that grow key spices needed for its myriad of products including its flagship brand Patak’s. The project had some big talking points, from supporting women in farming and sustainability through to Covid resilience, that they wanted their stakeholders – retailers primarily, but customers, too – to hear about. We were engaged to create an infographic to succinctly tell their story and encourage stakeholders to listen up.

Avoiding the bog-standard, text-heavy infographics we condensed down the long-form information opting to pull out the key figures of the campaign. Utilising a clear graphic icon style the structure pulls out the project’s triumphs, whilst sharing the story of Project SPICE’s journey in more detail.

The overall result is that stakeholders get a feel for the importance of the project and will be inspired to work with a brand that cares about the people that make its products.

AB World Foods - Project SPICE AB World Foods - Project SPICE

Blue Dragon

Following on from the success of the first infographic, AB World Foods approached us to create a second for Blue Dragon Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce. Over their 20 year partnership they have been putting programmes in place to empower farmers to gain “more crop for every drop”, improving agricultural practices

through water-wise farming to achieve bountiful yields. We followed the same visual identity as the first infographic using strong, clear icons and number-led facts, but switching to the blue/purple areas of ABWF’s colour palette to represent the Blue Dragon visual identity.

AB World Foods - Project SPICE AB World Foods - Project SPICE

Spice II

Soil to Smile

Spice II, launched in India in 2023, is a three-year project aiming to build on the success of the first Project Spice. Partnering with the local Gravis Project Team, AB World Foods is working to improve farmers’ sustainability, climate resilience, and access to profitable markets, as well as support broader issues such as awareness of menstruation.

Once this project is completed, we’ll be updating the infographic to show how the expected results played out.

Then came a new infographic for Pataks Pappadums, of which over 200 million are produced each year. They work closely with Indian farmers who produce the main ingredient, Urad Dahl flour, milled from black gram lentils. The Soil to Smile program covers improving farmers’ health, wealth, happiness, and production processes, along with ways to reduce the impact of packaging’s carbon.

AB World Foods - Project SPICE AB World Foods - Project SPICE

“The team at Tilt are always professional, helpful and accommodating, with a great insight into what works well for us. I look forward to working with them on our next project.”

Debbie Dyson Supply Chain CSR Manager