Deloitte CSR Wins Gold & Black Dolphins at Cannes Corporate

29 Sep 23 Admin


The prestigious Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards just announced its 2023 winners, and BOOM…

We won. 

The gold dolphin in the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ category and the black dolphin for ‘Best Director for “Other People’s Words” which was made in collaboration with Deloitte US.

This win underscores our team’s talent in delivering powerful and meaningful messages. Incredible, crafted films that address and challenge mindsets and behaviours of one of the worlds ‘Big Four’ firms. 


‘Other People’s Words’

The film “Other People’s Words’ asks the thought provoking question, ‘what if you could hear your words from someone else’s mouth?’. The decisions we make, words we choose and the actions we take, determine our impact on the people around us. 

Our gold and black dolphin awarded film is one of a six-episode dramatised film series entitled ‘TwoPointEight’. This series seeks to change attitudes and behaviours throughout Deloitte, through understanding and empathy. 

Create award winning impact with us – speak to, or email, Emma about getting on the Tilt train.

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