Health & Safety Policy

Who This Applies To

We Are Tilt Limited’s Health and Safety Policy applies to the Tilt offices, and authorised remote working. Tilt are committed to protecting employees and others such as contractors and visitors from health and safety risks associated with our activities.

As part of our Suppliers Agreement, we expect our suppliers and partners to have a clear health and safety policy statement in place as a minimum requirement.

Our Aim

Our aim is to create a proactive safety and wellbeing culture, the ideal being that occupational injuries and illnesses are foreseeable and preventable. We expect all of our people and visitors to act in a manner that demonstrates their personal commitment to this aim.

Responsibility and Accountability

The Office Manager will ensure policies are documented, communicated, implemented and maintained. The most senior person on site is ultimately accountable for the health, safety and wellbeing of Tilt employees, contractors and visitors at that location, regardless of function or reporting line. All levels of line management are responsible for making sure that resources are available to implement the health and safety standards, and ensure that we are all able to comply with them.

How to Report a Breach

Any breach of this Policy should be reported promptly to any Manager or Director. All employees, contractors and visitors are encouraged to challenge risk-taking behaviour and report breaches in health and safety.

Data Privacy

All documentation and records generated such as through incident management processes, must be created and secured in accordance with our GDPR policy

Ten key things to remember

  • Ensure any required health and safety training has been completed.
  • Understand the hazards and health risks associated with your job and those associated with your colleagues’ jobs.
  • Know what to do if an emergency occurs at your place of work.
  • Follow the Health and Safety Law poster guide ‘What You Must Do’
  • Do not be afraid to raise concerns with colleagues about their health and safety behaviours, whether actual or potential, and be open and positive to concerns raised by others.
  • Report all accidents, incidents, near misses, non-compliance with regulations or anything else posing a risk to health and safety to your line manager and H&S lead.
  • Record all absence due to ill-health through the Xero system.
  • Ensure that any suppliers, business partners or visitors understand our Health and Safety standards.
  • Know the laws and regulations for and visited location of work.
  • Seek guidance before engaging in conduct that you think may violate any law, regulation or code of practice, and encourage your colleagues to seek guidance in the same way.


This is the statement of general policy and arrangements for: We Are Tilt Limited (Tilt)

Chris Cooke, Dan Evans, Jonathan Malyon and Paul Mallaghan have overall and final responsibility for health and safety. Melanie Yates has day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice 

Our statement of general policy is to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace. A risk assessment has been completed, and actions implemented. We commit to engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions.

Instructions & information

Instructions and information are provided by the displayed Health and Safety Law poster, on our shared Health and Safety and Fire Procedures documents, and in our New Joiners Office Welcome.

On Location

We will ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to cover employees engaged in work on locations away from the Office.

Emergency Procedures – Evacuation (in case of fire or other significant incident). 

Harry Osborne, Linnea Soderholme and Melanie Yates are Tilt Fire Wardens. Escape routes well signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated as necessary. 

Maintain safe & healthy working conditions

Tilt maintain safe and healthy working conditions and maintain plant, equipment and machinery. Toilets, washing facilities and drinking water provided. Systems in place for routine inspections and testing of equipment and machinery and for ensuring that action is promptly taken to address any defects. Health and safety law poster is displayed in the Tilt Recycling Area. First-aid box and Accident book are located under the sink in the Kitchenette (accident book entries filed according to GDPR). Emergency First Aiders are Melanie Yates and Nicola Keene.

Policy signed off by Jonathan Malyon, Managing Director on 18.11.15

This policy is reviewed annually or if circumstances change.